Update: WoLD Forums are no longer available.
New improved and redesigned forums are now live.
Forums are now powered by vBulletin, instead of phpBB. This means better functionality, new features and more in-depth community interactions.
You may now rate threads. After 11 user ratings, the thread will display its rating.
Give approval or disapproval to a member for their helpful post. Their reputation will be added and displayed next to their profile.
Reputation displays to everyone, this way you know who is a valued member of WoLD.
Sidebar offers Currently popular viewed topics every 5 days and new forum threads. Quick and simple way to see what is being talked about on the forums.
Each thread now offers 'similar thread option'. You may browse through similar topics of the post you are currently reading.
Tab system allows you to search and tag posts. Improving search and finding what you are looking for.
Quickly reply to thread and interact with speed.
Sign up for the forums here. It's free. Become part of a very tight helpful community and work towards becoming a better level designer and game environment artist.
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World of Level Design LLC is an independent company. World of Level Design website, its tutorials and products are not endorsed, sponsored or approved by any mentioned companies on this website in any way. All content is based on my own personal experimentation, experience and opinion. World of Level Design™ and 11 Day Level Design™ are trademarks of AlexG.
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