Learn how to use the Clone tool to fix seams, tiling texture issues, removing repeating elements and copying elements from one area of the texture to another.
Create Empty Layer:
Set the Blend Mode for each Channel you will Clone to Passthrough.
Use the Channel drop-down menu to choose a channel then set Blend Mode to Passthrough.
Do this for every channel that you need to Clone the information from. Do this for Base Color, Roughness, Normal Map and Metallic (if you have Metallic elements in your Material).
Enable Clone Tool:
There are two options for the Clone Tool.
To Clone, press V and Left Click to set Clone source to clone.
Then Left Click over the area of the texture to Clone.
Use the following shortcuts to speed things up::
In the video tutorial I mentioned this tutorial on how to create your own tiling plane and have a human scale reference in Painter. See this Substance Painter: Two Methods to Creating Tiling/Seamless Textures and Export Them (Step-by-Step)
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